Interactive Marketing Channels To Watch In 2007 by Brian Haven - Forrester Research
Top line: Email and search marketing eclipse online display ads as the most prominent elements in the interactive marketing mix, while social media — like blogs, podcasts, RSS, social networks, and online video — are strong up-and-comers. But mobile and game marketing are relatively ignored.
Among Forrester's recommendations: Start adopting now to keep up with your customers who already actively use emerging technologies. Advanced online ad targeting, RSS, and blogs provide the easiest entry points.
Ilya Vedrashko asks:
How do people come up with these numbers that in-game advertising is going to grow to $1B by 2011 if 70-80% of marketers are not even planning to go there in the next year? And 2011 is in three years.
Interactive Marketing Channels To Watch In 2007 by Brian Haven - Forrester Research
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